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Process: Rooting my Simple Touch Nook

Barnes and Noble came out with an update in the last few week for the Simple Touch Nook and it blocked the basic web browser.  Therefore I am going to root my nook and put Androis 2.1 on my Nook.

5:15pm 12/26/11

8:04pm 12/26/11
Well it turns out that when do you not have a micro sd card adapter you can not put the image on the micro sd.  This sounds really stupid but I was trying to use my nook as an adapter for the sd card.  I was following all of the instructions put forth but it just can not work the method I was trying.  Therefore I will have to find the adapter that is floating around our house, or pick one up in the morning.  Once I find it then the process should be smooth but if I can not get the ball rolling then it shall never roll.

11:22pm 12/26/11
Ok, somethings went wrong tonight with the rooting process and the installation of Crunchbang on my CR-48.  They both are giving me lots of problems but now is the time to preserver and get these projects done.  Right now my Simple Touch Nook is returning to the original factory image while I try to find a better USB  loader for Crunchbang.  I have a lot of problems with Crunchbang trying to get it onto my Dell but once I had it there it was golden and works great.  My main problem right now is the fact that all of my computing stuff is still in Atlanta.  I have next to nothing up here so I am making due, but that is a fun challenge also.  This all sounds really nerdy and thats because it is, ill be nerdy for tonight, get it all out of my system and then go on back to being normal Paul tomorrow!

11:15am 12/27/11
Nook Resources
I realized when I got up this morning that I had about 30 tabs open so I grabbed some of the best resources and placed them here to keep my thoughts together and coherent.  I am missing a lot of the links and resources that helped out a lot last night, but as I work on these projects today Ill continue to add links and suck.  Right now I am putting my nook back to factory original so that I can reroot it and hopefully get the market working so that I can install Google Reader, Google Voice, Opera Mobile, and the Twitter App.  That is all that I want on my e-reader but it seems that it takes a lot of work to get those features working.  Should have just broken down and bought a Asus Transformer Prime.

CR-48 Resources
My CR-48 is in some kind of limbo right now because it know that I was able to install the new Bios at the link above, but for some reason I can not get to the terminal so that I can do other operations.  Also my flash drive is not wanting to have the Windows 8 Developer Preview Image written to it.  These are the same small problems as last night that are making the process slow and tedious.  The good news is that Chrome OS is working just fine so I have not done any real damage to my CR-48.

4:32pm 12/27/11
Now that my Nook is working just fine I can start to put the needed applications on the device.  Here is a good resource for finding good working apps to put onto my device.  The one problem with this system is how spread out the files for the applications are.  You can do a general google search and you will not turn up my leads for finding the applications.  Therefore I am working to find a working Google Voice apk and others.

12:44pm 12/28/11
Today has been productive, I was able to get my Nook rooted and running properly.  I have been able to get email and Google Reader on my Nook, the two main reasons for performing the root.  Now I have the Android Market working so I am in business for all of my google magic.  I have run into one problem with the keyboard in the Google Voice app but I have conceided for the moment to just use the mobile version that works just fine.  I may have just crashed my Nook therefore I have a drawback to rooting your nook.  A rooted Nook is the best of both worlds but you also have a device that has problems and lots of them.  If you can deal with those problems then I would say go ahead, learn from my mistakes and root your nook!

11:42pm 12/30/11
It has been a successful day for computing.  I was able to get Windows 8 back on my dell so that I don't have to mess with my whole problem with lending my Windows 7 keys.  At the moment I am finalizing the install of Windows 8 on my CR-48, I think it should go though just fine.  Now I will have plently of computing horsepower at my disposal.  All of it is excess when I look at what I "need", I have to keep that mindset throughout all of these projects.  If something breaks or gets frustrating, I need to know that I can live without that object.  We are in a very small percentage of the world the is privy to this much technology. For heavens sake, I have a nook, two laptops, a cell phone, and countless other little gadgets that I never use anymore.  Thanks the Lord for his blessed abundance and now it is time for me to give from what I have been given.
All is Great in the Lord

Paul Shackelford

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