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Levels of Exposure

Over the last few weeks I have begun to realize things about my tendencies that I never really took much care to look deeply into.  Stuff that I normally just do out of habit or some random nonsensical reason.  I have been realizing more about how I express myself and through what medians.  Being an introvert I tend to keep to myself most of my opinions and thoughts when around a lot of people.  Since I dont really like to pipe in my thoughts in a conversation I am content with being in a room with other people and not saying a word the entire time.  Ok, I am diverting from my original topic of writing with this thought.

My levels of that I allow myself to be exposed would consist of the medians that I put my thoughts out at.

Most Personal to Least Personal

While in Oxford I took a my bible, journal and two cameras
 and just walked around Oxford!  Oh how I miss a carefree summer
  • Journal: When I have time, I write most every thought on those pages, this information comes straight from my heart and will probably be never read by anyone ever.  Therefore I lay down all of my pain and inner most thoughts in this place.
  • Intimate Relationships: In this setting I tend to open myself up to the degree that it gets me in trouble.  I can be too open in places that I should not allow myself to be unguarded.  
  • Deep Personal Relationships:  In conversation one-on-one with people I open up and show more of my inner workings but this takes some time and trust to be build before I start sharing.  
  • Distant Relationships:  These would be the relationships with people I only see three or four times a year due to geographical placement.  We are still at a level that I can be exposed even when we don't see one another often.
  • Acquaintances:  Most people that I interact with in group settings I can be very reserved only presenting a shallow perspective of my true person.  Over time if I spend lots of quality time in this setting I start to open up and reveal my true colours. 
  • Personal Blog:  I will post long thoughts that come from my Journal therefore this is personal information that is written to be seen by the public.  Therefore I monitor what comes out of my mouth to make sure that not to much information is divulged. 
  • Google Plus: I post pictures, random thoughts, and I "Plus One" lots of news articles and videos.  This is mainly just an outlet for all of the media that I consume while surfing the web.  If you want to know a lot about my public activity on the web just check my Google Plus.
  • Facebook:  Ill post big things on Facebook, but for the most part I try not to post things there at all.  I find myself trying to tell people certain things by my statues when I should just call then and tell them.
  • Twitter: I tend to post more just random stuff that is going down in my life.  For the most part I am very inactive on twitter.  
Also I post my personal blog on Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.  Soon I will explain more on my thoughts behind my posting and how it may be simply motivated by pride!

Well that is about it, I am not really sure why I posted this but I felt like putting some of my observations from the past few weeks into words.  Mainly I confine these thoughts to my Journal but for this I decided it could be valuable information to look back when I am older and my journals got washed away in the great flood of 2021.  

All is Great in the Lord

Paul Shackelford

Use the Right and Left arrow keys to see more of my thoughts.

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