Jesus your beautiful! Until this summer I had never been exposed to any IHOP worship, so when we started singing a lot of songs that were off my radar my ears perked up. This song was by-far my favorite new song from the summer, if you even take a look through the lyrics you might understand why.
I know that Your eyes are like flames of fire
I know that Your head is white as wool
I know that Your voice, it sounds like waters
Jesus, You’re beautiful
(There is none like You, Lord; Jesus, You’re beautiful)
I left out a lot of the lyrics but this is the part that I latched onto because of the powerful imagery surround my powerful God. Recently as I sit in the romance of our relationship with God I continually am getting lost in the unique power of each encounter with God! My prayer for my Fraternity, this campus, and every believer and non-believer all around the world is that they would be able to encounter the God that I know and be romanced throughout life as they walk with the fullness of the Trinity.
All is Great in the Camp of my King
Paul Shackelford
I know that Your head is white as wool
I know that Your voice, it sounds like waters
Jesus, You’re beautiful
(There is none like You, Lord; Jesus, You’re beautiful)
I left out a lot of the lyrics but this is the part that I latched onto because of the powerful imagery surround my powerful God. Recently as I sit in the romance of our relationship with God I continually am getting lost in the unique power of each encounter with God! My prayer for my Fraternity, this campus, and every believer and non-believer all around the world is that they would be able to encounter the God that I know and be romanced throughout life as they walk with the fullness of the Trinity.
All is Great in the Camp of my King
Paul Shackelford