Tonight was an amazing night with the WayFare camp that our sister minstry 3DM puts on for Highschool and Middle Schoolers. I volunteered with the group today to help the students on their service projects around the Myrtle Beach area. The service work is not very important to my story but thats the reason I went to their night service with the rest of our group. The topic for the night was all about identidy and transformation of identity from the curses we have had spoken over us to who the Lord sees us as. We have been doing a lot of this is the past few weeks at SDP and the Lord has been revealing many of my false identities and replacing them with his Truth. Tonight I surrendered my false identity as a Black Sheep. There was a song in high school called Black Sheep by Saliva and I have since that point in time though of myself as the Black Sheep of my family. My family never placed this identity on me, but rather I laid...