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Kiva Free Trials

If you are not familiar with Kiva it is a non-profit that enables people to get mico-loans financed by donations.  These loans are then repayed over time at a zero percent interest rate.   Therefore I can choose to reloan the money and keep investing in poverty stricken people who need financing.  I am not an expert in the NGO so I would direct you to their about page;

The reason I am writing this post is because they are running a promotion where they are giving away $25 for your first loan.  This is an attempt to bring notice to the need for micro-loans and also allow people a free passage into the world of Kiva and you will be able to reloan the money when it is repayed.

I am currently on my fourth loan because I got my first $25 from Christmas and have reloaned it once since, and I loaned another $25 sometime in the spring and its now on its second tour.

If you would like more information about Kiva head over to their webpage and if you would like to know about the promotion then go to this url:

All is Great in the Lord