When my iPhone died twice in one day leaving my security and social life in limbo I decided this is the perfect Adventure Report topic. I did not choose the topic the topic chose me. My phone during the day had become overheated, causing the battery to drain, leaving it dead within the hour. Without my precious device I had lost my memory, sense of direction, connection to the outside world, and communication with friends and family. All of the things lost are evolutionary traits of humans that now technology is substituting to make our lives easier and simpler. During the morning of Friday, September, 2010 I used my phone while searching for information, people, and dates of events. At the Theta Xi house I was asked questions about current and former brothers and the only connection I had to the wealth of information on the internet was my Smartphone. It is just so simple to be able to take a computer out of your pocket turn it on in an instant and access the internet with a to...