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AHHH Delayed

Tonight I am in the airport getting ready to fly back to Atlanta. While working on school work on my computer I took a short break. Looking around at everyone around me in there own personal work. Couples chatting over a magazines. A teenage girl... Well they just delayed my flight another 30min. That girl keeps talking excessively fast and using "like" way to many times each sentence in her phone conversation. Thank the lord her call just got dropped, deng she just called them back. Poor lady at the register just found out she was going to no make her connecting flight in ATL. People are fat, not with a "PH", I look around and only see two or three people that don't have large pockets of fat all over there bodies. What have we come to as a society where we cant even maintain our physical health. Myself included we have gained weight at a rapid rate because of our overindulgent society. We just want a little bit more of everything. More money, more food, more desert, more pleasure. We cannot find the happy median, only more, more, more. We are just fat. Its socially acceptable to be fat for some reason. As a male I can be a "healthy" 225-250 without being pointed out as needing to change my eating or activity habits. OK over and out for the night.

All is good at RDU

*Written 7:23pm on Monday November 29th at Gate A11 RDU

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