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Unedited - Stream of consciousness writing we did during class on Tuesday. We watched people and our surrounding and wrote about our thoughts and what we observed.

As people walk past you can read there emotions and judge them on the outer appearance they give off. A woman looking broken and tired walking back to her dorm after a long days class can really allow you to view a small portion of her outer self being expressed through posture. Why do people wear designed cloths? What gain do you get from the nice polo or top that costs fifty dollars as opposed to the cheap Walmart t-shirt? People are often judged upon there outward appearance but most of the time the outward appearance is just a hoax. Trying to use make-up or nice cloths to cover up a hurt of damaged inside that cannot be repaired through emotional healing and must be covered up by materials. Why do human fall into groups? Why do we categorize ourselves and shape our lives by hanging out with people who look, act, and think like? As people walk independently by and my mind shifts from one thought to another before my fingers can hammer then out. It makes me thing about how as people move past time becomes fleeting, trying to get the a persons interests, hobbies, and emotional status from just one glance. The speed of our lives is amazing and disheartening at the same time. How can we truly live when we live at such a pace that people become stressed to the point of suicide? Some people are completely encapsulated in themselves as they pass. Texting or surfing the web on our social media phones that keep people "connected", but actually pulls away from society. While some actually break out of there box and look around taking short deliberate steps watching the fellow man. How can music plugged into our ears be socially acceptable if we foster and bond of relationship that is mostly due to conversation and interaction? As humans we are trained at a young age to interact with our surrounding and as a society we are losing that trait of interaction. We are forever locking ourselves in our rooms to play video games, or to study. Our new society will have extreme problems in the next 20-30 years caused by our growing dependence of technology and lack of human interaction.

This ramble is just in the moment free thinking and trying to type at the pace that my mind is jumping through ideas.

Paul Shackelford

Typos are expected because I wrote as fast as my mind could think. Anything illogical put it up to my brain working in strange ways.

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