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In My Seat: 9/11

September 11th, 2001.  Where were you?
I was living in the Netherlands with my family.  It was year six in my International school, fourth grade in the States.  Our class went for a field trip to a Horse Show across town.  We walked to the show and on the return trip I noticed that most all of the homes had their TV's on but I could not make out the coverage.   When I got home I saw my family in tears trying to make sense of what was taking place on the TV.  I think we watched CNN International for the next few days straight.  My Grand Father was scheduled to fly from RDU to Paris on September 11, but by the grace of God the flight was a late afternoon departure so he stayed in the States.

This day has effected all Americans in its own way. I came across this video while taking a break from studying and it about brought me to tears.

I was blown away by Scheibners boldness to present the fact that he was not just saved once but twice.

Please watch the video and pass it along.

All is Great in the Lord 

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