Recently I have been thinking of my short testimony and now I am going to pen it to paper. This summer I spent my time in Bosnia building relationships and sharing something that has transformed my life. While sharing with someone I learned a lot of about myself. I refereed to Revalation 3:20; "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." At that moment I realized that I had been in the same situation as my friend. I had kinda heard the knocking of Christ on my life but I had chosen to cover up the knocking. I had been playing the drums so loud that I could not hear and didn't want to hear the knocking of the Lord. When I came to Tech I stopped playing the drums and the Lord revealed himself to me and I have been transformed ever since. As you can tell "playing the drums" includes many more things than just playing the physical drums. It include...