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Secret Church

If you have not heard of Secret Church then that’s kind of a good thing.  The session is a modeled off the what believers must do in countries hostel towards Christians.  Therefore people from all around Birmingham Alabama, came together for one 6-8 hour session of feasting on the word.   David Platt spoke for nearly six hours from a study guide he had created that was basically just scripture.  It was amazing!!! 

These are the topics we discussed. 



Glory of God


During this talk we hit on the entire Gospel and many facets and applications that I had not seen or even though about before.  Since we went over six hours of materials then I drove another 3 hours home I will keep this post short so I can go to sleep. 

Once main take away from the night was that our salvation may not be secured.  Platt spoke about how many Christians say the prayer and don’t really have any signs of the transformations of a spirit filled life.  If we are a apple tree and I am producing peaches then something is not lining up.  Because If I were actually transformed into the apple tree that I present myself as than the Joy in Christ should cause me to produce apples.  This was convicting because the products of my life do not line up with what I profess as my purpose.  I live for relationships, money, grades, prosperity, security, peace of mind, and success.  I personally try to take on all of these thing and find satisfaction in them but they do not satisfy, only true satisfaction can be found in the Lord.

Tangent: Platt spoke about how people say the prayer “I believe in Christ as my savior who died for me one the cross”, then live a life that is striving to be of the world.  They think that because they said this prayer or filled out the card that they can do whatever they want.  Because they have security in the fact that their salvation is set.  When in reality that “prayer” was nothing more than words.  There was no spirit filled transformation that is so evident in the word and in true transformation. 

Its great to just be able to write some of my thoughts and experiences. 

I will leave this post with song great lyrics:

“You shine a white light into my blind eyes
And now I’ve seen you truly for the first time
This revelation of my desperation
brings me to Calvary, brings me to salvation
You resurrect me, you rearrange me
you make my heart beat to another symphony
You’ve pursued me like you think I’m worth it
And Savior now I know that I do not deserve this”

Sunlight - Reilly

All is Great in the Love of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

Paul Shackelford



REILLY - Sunlight (HD) from Reilly on Vimeo.

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