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Showing posts from November, 2010

AHHH Delayed

Tonight I am in the airport getting ready to fly back to Atlanta. While working on school work on my computer I took a short break. Looking around at everyone around me in there own personal work. Couples chatting over a magazines. A teenage girl... Well they just delayed my flight another 30min. That girl keeps talking excessively fast and using "like" way to many times each sentence in her phone conversation. Thank the lord her call just got dropped, deng she just called them back. Poor lady at the register just found out she was going to no make her connecting flight in ATL. People are fat, not with a "PH", I look around and only see two or three people that don't have large pockets of fat all over there bodies. What have we come to as a society where we cant even maintain our physical health. Myself included we have gained weight at a rapid rate because of our overindulgent society. We just want a little bit more of everything. More money, more ...


Faith vs Reason as the mode to come to your conclusion or understanding. This was very common theme of the presentations. Some presenters fell heavily towards the division of faith and reason because faith has little proof and reason is ingrained in proof. While some presenters held my opinion that faith is based in reason and when applying a faith based approach you find reason in the argument. I believe that the Bible is proof Jesus and the fact that he died and raised again after three days. Without this reason based conclusion there is no bases to my faith. Therefore I approach the questions of faith with a logical comprehension. This explains why certain verses of the Bible that are either hard to understand or contradict each other are difficult to explain. When these topics are confronted I take a faith approach with the understanding that some ideas in faith are beyond logical comprehension. Thus I must follow the word of the lord and know that somethings are only reve...

Google Making us Stupid?

I have long felt this is an important field of study because the medium that we consume information defines the way we think. As we can find information at our finger tips from a hyperlink or google search we jump from topic to topic only skimming the surface. This problem is prevalent in my generation because we grew up as computers became the main mode of research. We never truly knew the day when we could only use print sources. Since my first real research in middle school the search engine has dominated my information quest. It was amazing how Carr was saying that even himself as a lit major has fallen into the trend of only skimming anything over four paragraphs. I felt my mind wondering ever couple paragraphs from the text. As I was about halfway through the text and it switched to a form without ads to break the text up my attention was almost completely lost. A main distraction is other parts of the internet that can run at the same time as a web browser. Back before ...

Facebook Hiatus

For the foreseeable future I am going to try to abstain from anything unrelated to school and family on the computer. This means no more wasting time just surfing the web. Time is very precious while in college because of all of the opportunities that are provided. This environment is amazing for growth and wasting time surfing on Facebook or basically anything unrelated to my studies is hindering growth. I am very excited about this decision because I will be able to be more efficient with my studies and have more time in general. My challenge to you is to evaluate the time you spend daily on the computer no just social networks. Then put a value to your time in a monetary sense and find if the time you are spending on the computer is worth the lost income. To God be the glory Paul Shackelford

The "Death" of paper?

This is actually a very interesting article relating the "death" of the paper medium and the advantages that digital media, ipad, bring to the table. This is stuff that i am very interested in because with this transition the entire writing, editing, publishing process can be changed to fit the limitless digital media forms Reference whatever conversation that erupts. fingers crossed, on Facebook over this article. All if good while in God

"The Corporation"

As I am watching "The Corporation" on Hulu, I am interrupted periodically by advertisements that are trying to draw my thought and attention into their product. These images correlate completely with the stance that is provided in this documentary about the physiological effects of advertisement. It is very a strange paradox to be watching a movie about the power of corporations via the medium of Hulu which is owned by television companies that are supported through advertisement from corporations. Just a few thought while watching the movie. Time to return to the film.

Cyborg or "Dead"

As humans when we are alive, but when we are kept alive by machines we become cyborg. This raises the question about personal choice to stay alive via machines or pass into the afterlife. Therefore I decided to also read into this topic via a blog at this location. Read and post your thoughts about what was raised during discussion. Thanks for your participation. All if good at TX

Illustrative Essay

Todays class was a great experience. As students we were able to look at others work and learn from there thought process. There were some amazing projects that were very thought provoking. Especially the very basic but beautifully portrayed hands of metal and earth. The project was amazing in my mind because of the elegance in simplicity. Over and out from TX