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Showing posts from September, 2010

Logging Out

What does the though about logging out of applications mean? While on Facebook, sitting in my room I accidentally hit the "logout" button on my iphone. It made me think are we physically logged into out applications and services? Are we jacked into networks connecting people from hundreds of miles away? When we log into a social media site we are "connecting" with out friends and family in a strange setting where we are not physically close to them but through our words and thoughts we perceive that connection. This beings about interesting questions that may arise in the future when a vaster network of machines and humans is developed. This infrastructure may be used to utilize GPS to streamline roads and eradicate traffic. In our near future cars will have the ability to drive themselves. A interconnected network automobiles will be able to "communitate" and "choose" the fastest most efficient path. As humans we will just sit back and a...

Reporting Adventure

When my iPhone died twice in one day leaving my security and social life in limbo I decided this is the perfect Adventure Report topic. I did not choose the topic the topic chose me. My phone during the day had become overheated, causing the battery to drain, leaving it dead within the hour. Without my precious device I had lost my memory, sense of direction, connection to the outside world, and communication with friends and family. All of the things lost are evolutionary traits of humans that now technology is substituting to make our lives easier and simpler. During the morning of Friday, September, 2010 I used my phone while searching for information, people, and dates of events. At the Theta Xi house I was asked questions about current and former brothers and the only connection I had to the wealth of information on the internet was my Smartphone. It is just so simple to be able to take a computer out of your pocket turn it on in an instant and access the internet with a to...


Unedited - Stream of consciousness writing we did during class on Tuesday. We watched people and our surrounding and wrote about our thoughts and what we observed. As people walk past you can read there emotions and judge them on the outer appearance they give off. A woman looking broken and tired walking back to her dorm after a long days class can really allow you to view a small portion of her outer self being expressed through posture. Why do people wear designed cloths? What gain do you get from the nice polo or top that costs fifty dollars as opposed to the cheap Walmart t-shirt? People are often judged upon there outward appearance but most of the time the outward appearance is just a hoax. Trying to use make-up or nice cloths to cover up a hurt of damaged inside that cannot be repaired through emotional healing and must be covered up by materials. Why do human fall into groups? Why do we categorize ourselves and shape our lives by hanging out with people who look, act, a...

Facebook Profile Picture

Quick story behind my profile picture. I played football all four years of my high school career and was also in the marching Band all four years. I played middle linbacker, OL, DL, and FB for football and played timpani, basedrum, and snare for the marching band. Then my senior year in the fall my acting teacher told me to try out for the spring musical. My response, I don't have any acting experience past one church play without a speaking role. She told me that I would be fine so I eventually did agree to try out for the position as "Big Jule" in Guys and Dolls . She told me all I needed to do was act intimidating and use my size on the stage. I was awarded the part mostly off size and lack of male participation in our schools acting program and Guys and Dolls is a heavily male production. The entire experience was amazing and I wish that I had been more involved in the acting program earlier on and actually applied myself in the program. I doubt I would have e...