Your Love is Sweeter than Honey Your Love is Stronger than Death Your Love lifts me of my Burdens Your Love teaches me to Dance Riding into work this morning I was carrying a lot of pain, memories, and frustration knowing that Christ was knocking on my door asking to restore death to life! I had downloaded two songs to my computer and jumped in the truck with them on repeat. After the first time through I could already feel the scales falling away, my heart was opening back up to the Love of Papa. I am not really sure whats been going on in my heart these last few weeks but I can feel some massive issues rising to the surface. This morning I just remembered what Love is, his Love is sweeter than honey, so much better than anything I could ever desire on this Earth. His Love is Stronger than Death! He has conquered the grave, therefore all of my separation from Papa has been removed! That gap can not be recreated by anything I do, h...