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Showing posts from June, 2013

Closer - John Mark McMillan

I remember listening to this song sometime last spring and just asking the Lord to come.  Today I was thinking back on that season because I glance back through my journals every now and then, the one theme that dominated my writing, prayer requests, and actions was a lack of rest.  I could not rest in anything, I was continually worn down and drawn thin.  Looking back I was not very involved, school was easy, lots of awesome life giving relationships but it is coming into clarity now why I still felt a lack of rest...  It was due to me not letting Papa come in close to me, I kept him at a distance.  I did not want to allow him into the depths of the pain of my past!  Last night at Summer Housechurch I just laid on the ground and invited the Lord with all of the faith I could muster to come close to me.  To come and bring the intimacy that he promises, to come and see all that I am!  He has done this in the past and I have felt the peace of the his presence overwhelm me!  So here we