For every believer one easy question to ask ourselves is "What would I have done"? Without the blood of Christ, what would I have done, would anything in my life be different, would I love in differently, lack love? Would I still respect my parents, still pursue a degree, build relationships, ect. The answer to these questions may be Yes, my life on some of my action points would not look that terribly different, and that answer alarms me at times. But then I remember what the Blood of Christ did, it was much more than just some moral compass of Good vs Evil, some good rules to live my life by, its a chance to engage in life with the Creator of the Cosmos, to walk in the Kingdom while still walking on this sin filled earth. As I learn more about the Father who so loved my very being to condemn his son on by behalf I can't resist falling in love, falling in love with the Lover. The Great Romancer is knocking on my door saying, "Let me in, ...