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Showing posts from October, 2012

God is Still Good

Over the few months I have forgetting and being reminded that God is indeed good!  As I prepare for years down the road I often fall into my own strength and forget that I have the commander of the cosmos as my Father.  As I fret over classes, relationships and decisions he is watching as a hurt father watching a child think it knows best.  Frequently I am humbled by my own lack of strength, knowledge, and experience.  I am learning how to fall on my face when I feel the enemy attacking and my own desires clouding my vision.   I need you , oh I need you , every hour I need you !   This basic truth has been setting me free in these last few days.  I am so thankful that the father has new mercies every morning because I need them!   All the Glory and Honor be to the Father, Paul Shackelford