These last few days have been packed. David Rhodes, a leader in the 3DM ministry open up some questions in my mind about Silence. After a short talk we all broke out and spread around the hotel and waited for the Lords voice. During this time I did not hear any voices or anything but I go lots of clarity about my Leadership roles, my stewardship of the gifts of the Father. My main take away from that time is that I will and have been given responsibility and its not my event, organization, project, but rather is a gift that I have a responisbility to care for. My words are not really coming together but my mind is thinking back to Baby Dedications in my Church when the parents are charged with a fact that these babies are not their children, they are Gods children and they simply have been blessed with time of earth to nurture. During our half hour of silence I had a Will Reagan and United Pursuit Band song dominating my heart. In the quie...