The Best Part of This Sermon media/religionsaves/emerging- church 52:40-55:40 WATCH IT!!! To make sure that we clearly declare what it means to be Christian, and so I’ll tell you. There is one God. There is one God and he is the Maker of heaven and earth, and he made us in his image and likeness, male and female, with dignity, value, worth, and purpose. He made us to worship and we chose to sin against him; to rebel against him; to disobey him. As a result, we are separated from God and we live under the foolish myth that, to some degree, we are each our own god declaring right and wrong and living our own life by our own standards, and that God lovingly came into human history as the man, Jesus Christ, fully God, fully man. That he was born of a virgin and he lived a life without sin, though he was tempted in every way as we are, and he went to the cross and there he substituted himself. Our first parents in the garden substituted themse...