Recently I have been attending Grace Midtown Church and I am very excited by the energy the congregation possesses. I come from a more tradition church background that was tailored toward college students but it doesn't compare to this contemporary service. My old church was around 500+ people per service, contemporary praise music, and a good mix or ages and ethnicities. Being in a college town (Chapel Hill) it attracted a good amount of college students from both UNC and Duke. Now after going to only two services at midtown I will compare the two churches. Midtown is filled with youth and joy for the lord. A large portion of the congregation (only about 100+ at a time) are young newly born again Christians. The passion that they give to the lord is amazing and is causing my eyes to be opened even more to the lord. I am very excited about this new opportunity to grow in the lord in a new city with new people. I do miss my old church and all of the relationships being left...